Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Side Note on the Insanity of Right Wing Politics...

Reflecting the seriousness and sober reflection undertaken by the right wing on Social Security, a coalition of conservative groups known collectively as the Arlington Group, is telling Karl Rove that they won't go along with the administration's Social Security destruction plans unless the Bush administration puts just as much emphasis on banning gay marriages.


Never mind the total cognitive disconnect and non-relationship between state civil marriage laws and the Social Security program. Look at what our conservative guardians of family values are really saying here:
"Let's make a deal. We'll help push for the Federal Government to take away trillions of future retirement benefits for us and our families in return for you pushing to let the Federal Government dictate who we can and can't marry."
These people don't need a voice in government. They need a soft room and the kindly attention of a very large and compassionate medical staff.